Steps to Clean Link Building

If you are in the world of search marketing and if you look forward on holding an impressive image there, you should definitely be aware of building links. When you are being ranked, your popularity will turn out to be important criteria and the links you have, play a role in it that can never be underestimated. It is better to never rely on a single strategy for building links and change your strategy every time. Here are some basics that you must keep in mind before you go for clean link building.

  1. Email a webmaster. There is no better way of getting a link other than this. You should feel free to contact. If you establish a personal connection, it will help you a lot.You can even use your phone for that.


  1. You can simply search for some target keywords and find some promising sites that can be linked to yours. Make sure that you chose well. A lot of irrelevant links won’t be good at all. They can even be harmful. Look for the popularity of the sites that you link to.


  1. The links you find should be relevant ones. I mean, it should definitely have something to do with your site. Something close indeed. If you have a website that provides exam results, you should not have links that lead to latest movie trailers.


  1. Analyze yourself. Get yourself in the position of the user and look at the results you get when you click the link. If what you see makes you feel “yes, this is exactly what I was looking for “, you have done it.


  1. Compare with your competitors. Don’t get influenced and copy whatever you see there. Just go through to make sure that you are better.


  1. Follow a chain process. Look at the sites that are linked to you, then the ones that are linked to them and so on. Some sites that you really need will definitely catch your eyes.


  1. Give the negative responses serious consideration. If you ever get one, try your best not to ignore it. Find out whether there is a real  problem and be immediate to come up with a solution.


  1. Bring up something that attracts people. Offer something free or sponsor an event. Just make sure that people get interested.


  1. YouTube can help a lot. All you have to do is find the videos that are related to your industry and find sites that are linked to them. Don’t think twice to approach them as well.


  1. Be creative. Try to be different. If your site has something that is really catchy, like some writings that no one has ever tried, there is nothing else that can make your site more popular.You can even try a different style of writing.


  1. Avoid double standards.  Be loyal to what you do and respect your tasks. If you write two separate articles that contradict each other, it will create a very bad impression.


  1. Be innovative. If you ever go searching for some information and find that there are not enough sites providing the appropriate results, just try adding it to your site.


  1. Try adding something other than just the textual content. It’s easier to get links that way.


  1. Compliments can work wonders even in the web world. If you come across something interesting like an article, try to give a feedback on it in the social media. It will definitely improve your contacts. But, don’t give fake credits and avoid flattery. That might have adverse effects.


  1. Act smart. Be bold enough to say ‘hi’. Be active and participate in discussions in social media. It will definitely improve your contacts.


  1. Don’t beg for links. If someone refuses you a link, ask for the reasons and rectify the mistakes. If they keep on refusing even after that, just leave it, say thank you and move on. Don’t get disappointed. You have a lot more doors to knock.


  1. Always keep a positive attitude on learning something new. The online industry changes in minutes. Make sure that you stay updated.


  1. Try website grading to rank your website. It can also help to find broken links so that you can remove them and keep it clean. 
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